Six regions, either European or national forerunners, were selected in WP4. For each region the leading incumbent and an emerging ‘challenger’ ecosystem were analysed and compared, both in time and between regions. The focus on European leadership gives insights and solutions for other European regions to follow (best practices, smart specialisation) and enables a comparison of practices between other global regions (US, China). WP4 provides state- of-the-art examples of European approaches to technical transformation (adoption, integration, diffusion) and how its stakeholders respond to these changes. We also get a picture of what, according to the stakeholders, are elements of an 'inclusive economic policy'. In WP8 we will deepen the analysis further. We are no longer looking at the ecosystem level, but will select leading companies from each of the ecosystems analysed in WP4. Selecting ‘leading companies’ - both large incumbents and young high-growth start-ups/scale-ups - in technology and performance helps us to understand the possible development horizon for other companies. For each of the sectors we select at least two companies per region. The purpose of the analysis is to: