WP 2 - Integrated Operation, Findings And Policy

WP2 is to provide project coherence and a common framework for the research and an integrate report that synthesises the research findings, and develop policy recommendations:

  • Ensures the intellectual and practical coherence of the project;
  • Provides an analytical synthesis of the project findings of with an integrated reporting of those findings;
  • Develops a coherent policy framework and sets of recommendations that build on and strengthen existing relevant EU policies.

WP2 integrates the empirical, comparative historical and case study analysis. It synthesises findings and develops a coherent policy agenda for Europe moving ‘BEYOND4.0’. It ensures findings are translated into policy recommendations with EU-utility. Focus is on realistic evidence-based policies but may challenge existing policies and have transformative potential for positively shaping technological transformation. It develops new frameworks for evaluation of these policies’ analysis that go beyond traditional cost-efficiency models and are instead based on the notion of ‘public value’ in achieving inclusive growth.

WP2 Tasks:

  1. To develop a common intellectual understanding amongst partners of what is to be analysed and reported in the project.
  2. Provide in-project guidance and integrate, synthesis and report project findings
  3. Review existing relevant EU policy across the digitisation/technology, employment, skills, tax, welfare policy fields at the start and towards the end of the project.
  4. Identify policy implications from the findings and develop practical policy recommendations for policymakers, social partners and civil society.
  5. Produce (draft) book manuscript ‘Inclusive Technological Change’. An important topic into this report is technological transformation and impacts on gender issues (payments, opportunities).

Uploaded documents:
D2.3 Book Inclusive Technological Change (under review until publication)