WP 1 - Project Management

WP1 supports and enables the successful execution of the project in order to ensure cohesion and compliance with the project plan. For this purpose, a professional management framework is be provided. This minimizes the administrative burden for the participants while conforming to all EC regulations.

This framework delivers: a one stop shop for all management and reporting duties; the liaison with the EC; the organisation of meetings; quality assurance and control.

WP1 Tasks:

  1. Establishing of the management structures
  2.  Project governance
  3. Legal, administrative and financial management and reporting
  4. Quality assurance and monitoring progress
  5. Arrangement and maintenance of the secured part of the Website
  6. Periodic reporting on project progress

Scientific Project Manager
Prof. Dr. Steven Dhondt

Operational Project Manager
Dr. Peter Oeij


Contact person:
Dr. Peter Oeij at email peter.oeij@tno.nl