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Policy Brief №1
by Bagryan Malamin | 31.12.2019

The Policy Briefs are primarily, although not exclusively, addressed to policymakers. This first Policy Brief provides a general introduction to the policy challenge faced by the EU  and the contribution that BEYOND4.0 will make in the development of policy thinking.

BEYOND4.0 project consortium provides advice for policymakers and stakeholders on the impact, challenges and opportunities of the new digital technologies in relation to the future of work and welfare. In the coming months and years, at least eight short Policy Briefs will be drawn up for each key policy area that the project examines: Industrie4.0, the Platform Economy, the new labour market, digital skills, taxation in the age of robots, and welfare and the universal basic income. Each Brief will include specific proposals for policy change in that area. Other likely topics in the Briefs are lessons learned from previous technological revolutions, regional responses and business strategies for the digital revolution, and, finally, a summary of the main conclusions of the BEYOND4.0 project. The Policy Briefs will also form the basis for the toolbook for a European strategy for tackling the social transformation brought about by the technological transformation.

Each Brief will be publicly available.

Policy Brief #1 can be downloaded from here.