The High-Level Expert Group on the Impact of the Digital Transformation on EU Labour Markets, created by the European Commission in May 2018, issued its final report with recommendations on 8 April 2019.
Following an open selection process, the Commission appointed group of experts to a High-Level Expert Group (HLG) on the Impact of the Digital Transformation on EU Labour Markets, comprising representatives from academia, civil society, as well as industry.
On April 8th 2019 the High-Level Expert Group issued the final report with the recommendations including policy actions for the European Union, Member States, businesses and other stakeholders in the short, mid and long-term, to shape the digital transformation of the world of work and make it smooth, inclusive and human-centric.
Dr. Vаssil Kirov from ISSK-BAS co-authored the report as the Expert Group member.
The Final Report HLG on the Impact of the Digital Transformation on EU Labour Markets is HERE